Criminal Investigation Division (C.I.D)
he C.I.D. or Criminal Investigation Division is a division within the El Dorado Police Department, which is currently comprised of a civilian administrative assistant and 7 investigators including supervisors. We have plans and hopes of expanding the division. Detectives provide a wide range of police services to the citizens of El Dorado and the surrounding area. The Criminal Investigation Division provides follow up investigations to all felony crimes, which include, but is not limited to things such as Homicides, Burglaries, Rapes, various financial crimes, and missing persons. The division is also comprised of specialized Investigators who are certified crime scene technicians, “ICAC” or Internet Crimes Against Children Investigators, a Cyber Crimes Investigator, United States Marshall’s task force Investigators, along with Federal Bureau of Investigation Investigators, who investigate crimes alongside the agencies to which they are partnered. These partnerships increase our reach, training, access to resources, and ability to detect, deter and apprehend those engaged in criminal activity. While providing police services to the citizens and visitors of El Dorado, and strive to do so in a professional manner.

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